The Daviess County Commissioners had a short agenda for Tuesdays regularly scheduled meeting. Most of the meeting consisted of County Highway Superintendent Chris Winkler and County Attorney Grant. Swartzentruber reading the bids for highway department supplies and asphalt for 2023. Commissioners Ron Arnold and Michael Taylor agreed to take the 17 bids under advisement and have Winkler present his recommendations at the next meeting. In other business, the Commissioners agreed to use Cummulative Capital funds to pay for the two roof-top air conditioning units for the Security Center. The two also approved County Assessor Denny Elton’s request to install a new X-Soft interactive program on the Assessor’s computer system. Eaton explained that the current system was being discontinued and the new system meets the State legislature’s mandate for taxpayer access. With Commissioner Nathan Gabhart absent, all business was approved by a 2-0 vote.