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Madison Township Fire Truck Supply Chain Issues

The Madison Township Fire Department, in cooperation with Township Trustee Mike Burch, has been working on plans to purchase a new pumper for the fire station. According to the Odon Journal, the firemen have been working hard to raise money for this through fundraising, applying for grants, and accepting donations, among other things. The day came when the workers settled on specifications and placed the order, expecting to receive the new pumper late this year. That did not happen because the price of the pumper rose sharply, so they do not have a confirmed quote or delivery date at this point. A meeting was called on Tuesday to discuss options. Mike Burch said the truck they wanted was originally around $380,000, but now it is estimated to be around $410,000, with no guarantee the price won’t continue to rise. One possibility is for the department to purchase a good used truck, but Burch commended the department for raising a substantial amount of money.

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