Radius Indiana has received positive feedback from a recent survey of Southern Indiana businesses. According to the numbers released yesterday from the eight-county area that Radius serves, three-quarters of those who responded plan to grow staff and boost workforce pay over the next twelve months. 92 firms completed the wages and benefits survey, representing more than 13,000 worker roles. Jobs in technology saw the most wage growth over the past four years, at nearly 20 percent. Production and logistics saw a wage hike of around five percent. According to the survey, 30% of workers split their time between on-site and remote work, while approximately 19% work remotely full time. In Martin County, the Martin County Alliance has announced they will be launching a new business retention and expansion program in 2023 that will be aimed at supporting local businesses while building connections, strengthening relationships, and offering assistance as needed. The full report is available at Inside Indiana Business.