Washington’s City Council met Monday evening and heard the first reading of an ordinance reorganizing the clerical and office staff at the Utility Department. The ordinance will do away with the position of inventory clerk and replace that position with a general clerk when the current inventory clerk retires. In other business, Charlie Vaught again expressed his concerns about derelict and junk-ridden rental properties and asked if the city had made any progress on implementing an inspection program for rental properties. Mayor David Rhoads told Vaught that the city is in the process of setting up a committee to develop an inspection program. The mayor said a concern is determining the personnel needs to inspect the rental properties in Washington on a three-year cycle. Representatives of the Daviess County YMCA again asked for a grant from the city to support the fund-raising drive to replace the ventilation system for the Y’s pool. Aquatics Director Jessica Henning told the council that the Y pool is the only indoor facility in the county and provides swim lessons and lifeguard certification for the area. The Council agreed to provide a $25,000 grant from the city’s economic development funds.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor Rhoads reported on the progress of the apartment complex being constructed on East National Highway. The mayor said that Reinbrecht Builders reported they have received 92 application requests for apartments with more information in the new complex in the first two weeks of the application process. When the complex is completed, there will be 143 one-, two-, and three-bedroom units. The apartment rental is market rate.
After the council, the Board of Works and Safety met. The board agreed to a change in the contract for the old U.S. 50 project. The project will now be divided into Phase 1, which will extend from S.E. Third Street to the SR 257 intersection. Phase 1 will be submitted for re-bid in October. The area from SR 257 to the State Street intersection will be divided into Phases 2A and 2B, with construction delayed until additional funding is in place. In other business, the board tabled a request for a “Slow Children Playing” sign in the Westwood area. The board needs more specific information about where the sign should be placed. In other business, the board approved the appointment of Steve Truelove to replace Roger Patterson. Patterson is returning as superintendent in the sewer department. The Board also approved advancing Ryan Baumert to lineman 4th class in the Electric Department.