The Daviess County Commissioners heard an update on the courthouse renovation project and approved personnel changes at the airport at their meeting on Tuesday morning.
Representatives from RQAW are in the design development stage of the project and presented the commissioners with some interior design choices. The commissioners asked for price comparisons of the options. The Commissioners also asked the County Auditor, Jennifer Welsh, to check with the office holder at the Government Center to see if they had recommendations about design choices. Sheriff Gary Allison reported that using the south doors of the courthouse as a secure main entrance presented several problems, and the options were basically cost prohibitive. The commissioners agreed to maintain the lower east door as the main secure entrance.
David Gray and Matt Merideth reported for the Airport Board. The board recommended the approval of Erika Verkamp as the new manager of the Daviess County Airport. The commissioners also accepted Steve Fowler’s resignation from the board. The commissioners then heard an update on the runway expansion project at the airport. The Commissioners were told the extension of the runway to more than 5,000 feet would allow more types of aircraft to use the airport, and that would be an economic stimulator for the county. The cost of the expansion will cost the Airport Board approximately $1.5 million. The Commissioners agreed to cede a portion of the old county farm ground to the Airport Board.
In other business, the Commissioners approved a merit deputy rehire and lateral transfer policy for the Sheriff’s Department. The Commissioners also opened bids for the four-year cycle to require reassessment of commercial and industrial property in the county. The bids were taken under advisement.