The Washington City Council only had two items on the agenda at Monday night’s meeting. The Council unanimously passed a resolution renewing the city’s cumulative capital development fund in accordance with Indiana law. The Council then unanimously passed an amendment to the city’s salary ordinance reorganizing the utility department due to a retirement.
Following the council meeting, Mayor David Rhoads talked about the renovation of the entry gate to Eastside Park.
The mayor added that not only will the new open fencing look better, but it will also make the entrance safer for pedestrians. The old brick fence between the pillars blocked the vision of walkers and vehicle drivers around the gate area. The mayor said there have been many close calls, and the new fencing should give walkers and drivers a better line-of-sight.
Following the City Council meeting, the Board of Works and Safety met and approved a request for a “Slow Children Playing” sign on Westwood Avenue. The board also approved position changes in the utility office. In other business, the board members approved contracts for economic development grants for the Daviess County YMCA and Discover Downtown Washington.