Low turnout so far in absentee ballots for Martin County, according to the Martin County Journal. There are a few Democratic-contested races this year, but no Republican-contested races. Voters will vote for two candidates vying to be on the ballot for Loogootee Mayor. Incumbent Noel Harty is being challenged by Teresa Nolley. For Council at Large, it’s J.D. Flynn facing Ron Gilbert. Early voting at the courthouse in Shoals will continue today and tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday and Monday from 8 a.m. to noon. The primary election will be held on Tuesday. As of yesterday, only 64 ballots had been cast to this point.
In Washington, there is only one primary race for city council in District One on the Republican ticket. Incumbent Darrin Lunsford is being challenged by Scott Rainey.