The Daviess County Commissioners held their only meeting in June on Tuesday morning. The commissioners heard a report on the asphalt bids taken under advisement at the last meeting. Highway Superintendent Chris Winkler said the bids were very competitive. Winkler recommended that the low bidder, Milestone Paving, be awarded the contract for their bid of $1,117,461. The 8 Mike project will complete CR 900 E from CR 1200 N to the Greene County line. The county has received a state Community Crossings grant for the project.
The commissioners also heard an update on the county’s employee insurance program. Amy Davis and Paul Williams reviewed the county’s experience and recommended continuing the co-insurance contract with UMR. The only change that was made in the program was to expand the number of annually allowed therapy days from 20 to allow for medically required days.
In other business, the commissioners appointed Jennifer Welsh to the county’s longevity committee and Richard Powers to the library board. The commissioners also voted to replace Natalie Smith on the Visitors Bureau Commission.
At the end of the meeting, the commissioners received an update on the courthouse renovation project from RQAW representatives. The commissioners saw a drawing of the proposed design for the courtrooms and were told it was time to begin the process of looking at existing furniture in the courthouse and determining what can remain functional and what needs to be updated. The goal remains to have the design phase completed and advertise for bids in September.
The commissioners also announced there would be no meeting on June 27. The next commissioners’ meeting is scheduled for July 11.