The Washington Community Schools continue to receive recognition for their highly regarded STEM programs. Asst. Superintendent Steve Peterson told the board that the Indiana Department of Education has awarded the Washington Schools a competitive $50,000 grant. The grant will be used to fully expand the Project Lead the Way Gateway into the junior high school. Last year, Washington High School received a $75,000 grant to use on Washington Career Academy’s biomedical pathway. Peterson told the board that it is highly unusual for a school system to receive back-to-back grant awards.
Peterson and Washington Superintendent Kevin Frank also informed the board members that Washington High School has been approached by Crane and Purdue University to participate in a pilot program to create a K–12 micro-electronics pathway. As one of the first schools to commit to the project, Washington will receive an $80,000 grant to provide equipment and develop projects at WHS and WJHS. Next year, the program will expand to the elementary level. Washington will join other area schools in a southern cohort, while some schools in the Lafayette area will encompass the program’s northern cohort.
Washington has also received a competitive $20,000 grant to provide teachers with resources and materials to develop Project Based Learning STEM experiences for Washington students. The Board was also informed that the Department of Education has requested Washington’s STEM portfolio be used as an example for other schools in Indiana to emulate.