VFW Post 9627 in Odon, Indiana, is rallying support for its 8th Annual Cancer Ride. Donations, both raffle items and monetary contributions, are currently being accepted. To donate, you can reach out via PM on their page, contact the Post at 812-636-7398 or odonvfw9627@gmail.com, or visit the Post directly. If you wish to have your sponsor name featured on the event shirt, make sure to contribute by this Saturday, August 26th. Mark your calendars for the 8th annual cancer ride on September 16th, starting with registration at 9 am. This event serves as a benefit ride to offer aid to those facing the challenges of cancer. Proceeds from the ride will go towards supporting individuals in need who are battling cancer. The participation fee is $20 per driver and $10 per passenger, which includes a concluding meal. The route, open to ANY vehicle capable of a minimum speed of 35 mph, will be entirely on pavement. The event promises drawings, raffles, and more for participants.