The third annual Christmas light show at Washington High School is set start Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, at 6:00 PM, coinciding with the Washington/Barr Reeve boys’ basketball game. Crafted by students in Mr. Johnston’s Construction classes and Mr. Riney’s AP Computer Science and Cybersecurity classes, the display last approximately one hour on the north side of the Hatchet House. Support for this student-driven spectacle is welcome, with a donation bucket placed outside gates 2 and 3. Contributions will aid both the light show and the high school robotics team. Shake Broadcasting will enhance the experience with outdoor speakers for the first night, while subsequent evenings will feature broadcasts on FM station 90.7. The lights will continue every night from 6:00 to 10:00 until classes resume in January. Gratitude extends to Washington Light and Power, Davis Electric, and Sodexo for their contributions to bringing this holiday tradition to life.