In what may be the last ceremony of its type in the current Superior Court Room at the Daviess County Courthouse, Senior Judge Dean Sobecki administered the oath of office to new Superior Court Judge Dan Murrie. Sobecki officially retired on December 31, and on Wednesday, Governor Eric Holcomb announced Murrie’s appointment as judge of the Daviess County Superior Court. The ceremony was attended by a large crowd of Murrie’s family, friends, and co-workers. Murrie said he was honored by those attending.
Murrie has served Daviess County as a prosecutor since 2013. Before that, he was the chief deputy in the prosecutor’s office. Following the swearing-in, WAMW asked Judge Murrie about the change in his courtroom positions.
Murrie is the third judge of the Daviess County Superior Court. He follows Judge Judy Dwyer and Judge Sobecki.
Retiring Daviess County Superior Court Judge Dean Sobecki administers the oath of office to his successor, Judge Dan Murrie, at a special ceremony Friday morning.