The Daviess County Commissioners received two bids for the sale of the old highway department salt building after extending the deadline for bid submission. One bid was for $61,000; the other was for $75,000. However, after the commissioners had set the minimum bid at $92,000, the minimum bid was established by taking the average of two assessments, as required by state law. With no bid meeting the required minimum bid, the commissioners took the two bids under advisement to determine how to proceed with the sale of the old salt barn. In another tabled action, Commissioners voiced concern about the language of the request document and requested more information from the Daviess County Justice Recovery Advisory Council. JRAC is requesting the allocation of the county’s opioid settlement funds. The commissioners also heard a report on the county’s insurance carriers from Paul Williams. The Commissioners accepted Williams’ recommendations to retain the carriers for the county’s dental, cyber security, and reserve officer insurance. The Commissioners also approved Williams’ suggestion to change the Workman Comp carrier to Westbend. Westbend’s bid was $11,000 lower and would allow local medical providers to be allowed “in network” status. In other business, the Commissioner approved the farm lease for land at the airport, signed documents related to the courthouse renovation, and signed letters of support for grant applications from West Boggs Park for dealing with algae problems in the lake and a grant application from RTC for fiber infrastructure deployment. The next commissioners meeting is scheduled for Feb. 27 at 8:15 a.m. The change in time is due to sharing the meeting room with the Superior Court during the courthouse renovation.