Washington’s City Council passed an ordinance updating the city’s waste water requirements for developers in order to meet the latest mandates issued by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. An advertised public hearing was held on the ordinance before the Monday evening Council meeting, but no one had any comments or questions.
The Council then introduced an ordinance requiring developers to show compliance with the city’s waste water management requirements before receiving permits.
Prior to the business meeting, Mayor Rhoads administered the oath of office to Dylan Stoll, the city’s newest firefighter.
Following the council meeting, the Board of Public Works and Safety met with a short agenda. The Board approved two sidewalk requests and a request from Tim Dant for no parking signs in front of his building on NE Third Street. Dant said he needs to place a dumpster in front of the building while it is being cleaned out.
Photo: Washington Mayor Dave Rhoads administers the oath of office to the city’s newest firefighter, Dylan Stoll, prior to Monday’s City Council meeting.