Two new Daviess County Commissioners, Mike Keith and TC Cook, took their seats at the Commissioners table for the first time at Tuesday morning’s meeting. Most of the business was organizational. The commissioners chose Nathan Gabhart as president, Mike Keith as vice president, and TC Cook as secretary. The commissioners also organized the county’s Drainage Board and Board of Finance with the same officers. County Treasurer Jami Chapman presented the annual Treasurer’s report.
The commissioners then reappointed the current county attorney, IT director, courthouse maintenance supervisor, veterans officer, highway department supervisor, and weights and measures officer to their positions. The commissioners also appointed old and returning members to various county boards and commissions.
In regular business, the commissioners heard an update on the courthouse renovation. Work continues on all three floors, with April 17th still targeted as the substantial completion date. Early summer is still the projected move-in target for Courthouse offices.
Highway Supervisor Chris Winkler gave the commissioners an update on the Highway Department’s work on the county roads during the two recent snowstorms. Winkler said the county avoids late-night work on county roads due to safety reasons. Winkler said in many cases county roads are only 16 feet wide and the snowplows are 14 feet wide, creating a safety problem for oncoming traffic in low visibility and darkness. Winkler also reported that the Highway Department will open bids on Community Crossing Grant projects next week.
In other business, County Attorney Grant Swartzentruber said that there have been requests to update the County Employee Handbook and asked the commissioners for suggestions. Swartzentruber said he would like to get proposed changes put together in the next few weeks.
The next County Commissioners meeting will be held January 28 at 8:15 a.m. in the Commissioners Room at the Daviess County Government Center.