Planned upgrades and a bridge replacement will have Daviess County residents who use old U.S. 50 west of Washington taking a detour into town this summer. Daviess County Highway Superintendent Chris Winkler told the County Commissioners that planned replacement work on the bridge over Colbert Ditch, along with other upgrades and repairs on Old US 50 will have the road closed west of Washington, for approximately 82 days between May and August. Winkler said detour signs would be posted. In his report, Winkler also recommended that the Commissioners award the paving contract to the low bidder, E & B Paving for $1,492,000. The Commissioners accepted the recommendation.
Winkler also announced that load limits on county roads would remain in place due to the weather conditions forecast for the coming week.
Most of the Commissioners meeting was a review of the County’s insurance policies. Paul Williams of Hoosiers Insurance reported on the County’s workman’s comp, cyber protection, liability, and accident insurance for volunteer auxiliary police. The Commissioners accepted Williams’ recommendations for renewal of the policies. The Commissioners tabled the renewal of the property insurance and asked Williams to investigate potential options.
In other business, the Commissioners approved the Certified Tech Park WestGate amendment. Final approval is contingent on the amendment also being approved by the Commissioners of Greene and Martin Counties Commissioners. The commissioners also were informed that the levee along the West Fork of the White River has been officially accepted as an active levee by the Corps of Engineers.
At the end of the meeting the Commissioners discussed the possibility of repealing the County’s zoning code. They will ask the County’s Plan Commission for a report by the May meeting.
The next Commissioners meeting is scheduled