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Attention Town of Shoals Water Customers


The Town of Shoals water services were affected by the power outages on 3-15-2025 due to the large storm. The booster stations lost electrical power, causing customers on the west end of the system to lose water pressure. The affected area is from the booster station on Lynwood Street to the end of the water line at Hopper Lane. Any residents within this area are cautioned to boil their water. This precautionary measure is recommended because we have experienced a water pressure loss lower than 20psi within this service area. It is recommended that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five (5) minutes before using. Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until we notify you that it is no longer necessary. We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved. If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact your water department at (812) 247-2110.

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