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North Daviess Jr/Sr High Awarded Grant for Innovative Hydroponics Project


The Our Community Foundation has awarded a $250 Teaching Innovator Grant to North Daviess Jr/Sr High School to support its Study of Life and Sustainability project.

The grant was accepted by teacher Jasmine Spore and Principal Jed Jerrels.

Spore plans to implement tabletop hydroponic stations, allowing students to observe plant growth and explore soil types.

By growing plants that typically struggle in winter, students will gain hands-on experience in sustainability and agriculture.


Our Community Foundation presented a $250 Teaching Innovator Grant to North Daviess Teacher Jasmine Spore for the Study of Life and Sustainability. Shown during the grant presentation are (left to right) Chris Jarrett, Our Community Foundation Executive Director; Carol Nugent, Our Community Foundation; Jasmine Spore, Teaching Innovator; Chance Berry, Vice-President Our Community Foundation; Jordan Briggeman, Our Community Foundation; Paula Jones, Our Community Foundation; Jed Jerrels, Principal North Daviess.

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