The first day of school for students at Loogootee is a little over two weeks away. Many parents were surprised to find out in a recent social media post by the school about registration and upcoming dates that a new policy was added to the school handbook, effectively closing the campus to all students, including seniors, for lunch for the upcoming school year. Loogootee and Washington were the only two area schools that allowed senior-class students to leave school during lunch. Board president Chad Wade talked about the change in policy and the reasoning for the change.
Concerns by patrons were brought to the school board’s attention, and complaints about the cafeteria food service provider, Aramark, were also a topic. Wade agreed with a suggestion by a local patron to form a committee including parents, board members, and Aramark to find ways to improve food service.
Loogootee Schools online registration started Monday of this week and runs through Thursday, July 27th. In-person school registration for Students is set for Wednesday, July 26th, in the Loogootee High School Media Center. The first teacher day is Monday, August 7th, with building open houses the same day from 4 to 5 p.m. Students first day of classes is Wednesday, August 9th, and all students, including seniors, can eat cafeteria food for $2.85 or bring a sack lunch from home.