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Board of Public Works and Safety Approves Stormwater Manual Update and Fire Pumper Bid


The Board of Public Works and Safety met immediately following the council meeting. Board members approved an agreement with Butler, Fairman, and Seufert for the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual and Ordinance’s updates. The Board also approved renewing the licensing agreement for software for the Utility Department.

The main topic of discussion was the consideration of bids for the city’s old 1984 LaFrance Fire Pumper. The only bid received was for $250 from Chris Clymer. The board agreed to accept Clymer’s bid after discussing the truck. Clymer said the truck needed at least $4000 in repairs to make it runnable. Clymer said he would like to have the truck for sentimental reasons since it was the truck he started working for the Fire Department on. Mayor Rhoads told the board that the truck had been offered to volunteer departments and training organizations, but no one was willing to take it. Fire Chief Steve Walden said there was no equipment on the truck, and it had not been used in approximately eight years. Walden said with a new truck coming in, the storage space was needed for the department’s auxiliary truck.

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