Washington’s City Council heard a report on the coming old Highway 50 project and heard the reading of an ordinance allocating ARPA funds. The Council also approved the two resolutions of funds within the street and animal control budgets. The Council also approved the transfer of ARPA funds that were appropriated but not spent last year. Approximately $248,000 was used for the sewer project, and a little over $103,000 was earmarked for Fire Department equipment. The Council also heard from Nick Jahn of VS Engineering, who is overseeing the Highway 50 project. Jahn reported the project will get underway in the middle to end of March. The section from State Road 257 to SE Third Street will see road work beginning this spring, with the section from SR 257 to State Street scheduled to follow. Mayor Rhoads said that there will be a special meeting for residents and business owners along the route.
Again, that meeting where residents can ask questions about the project will be at the Eastside Park Community Building on March 7. In his report, Jahn said the construction crews will be working on the road six days a week, 10 hours a day Monday through Friday, and 8 hours each Saturday through the completion of the project. The SR 257 to Third Street segment should be completed in 2024. The SR 257 to State Street segment is scheduled for completion in 2025. In other business, Councilman Alan Brown questioned the need for Chapter 111 in the City Code. The section deals with the inspection of juke boxes and other amusement machines within the city. The other council members agreed with Brown and asked City Attorney Tim Dant to draw up an ordinance repealing the section. The Council also asked Dant to draw up an ordinance regarding the use of alcoholic beverages in the Commons upon its completion. Board members approved City Clerk-Treasurer Beth McGookey’s report summary of the Accounts Payable Voucher Register for 2023. The board also approved personnel transfers within the police and wastewater departments. In other business, the board opened bids on a 2010 Ford E450 City Bus. The only bid submitted was for $102. After discussion, the board rejected the bid and will advertise for bids or sell the bus at auction. A previous used bus was sold for approximately $1,800 three years ago. The Board also approved a change in the contract for the US 50 project. The change was made necessary by the unexpected death of one of the inspectors named in the contract.