The Daviess County Commissioners tabled several items on Tuesday’s agenda because of the absence of Commissioner Nathan Gabhart and the need for more information. Consideration of the status of wages for the Superior Court and an interlocal agreement to trade an older truck to the Daviess County Landfill for rock were tabled to provide time for more consideration.
Commissioners Ron Arnold and Michael Taylor decided to table action on the sale of the old county salt barn on West Walnut Street in Washington until all three commissioners were present to determine how to proceed. The sale of the building has been on hold since neither of the bids received by the county met the minimum bid established by the commissioners. As part of Tuesday’s meeting, the commissioners held a public hearing on the Salt Barn sale. However, no members of the public appeared to discuss the matter, and the hearing was quickly adjourned. The commissioners also tabled consideration of the contract with Daviess Community Hospital for the county’s ambulance service. With both Commissioner Taylor and Commissioner Arnold voicing questions about the proposed contract and the absence of Commissioner Gabhart, Taylor and Arnold agreed to table consideration of the new proposal. County Attorney Grant Swartzentruber told the Commissioners that the current contract would automatically renew, but any funding increase would have to be considered by the Commissions as part of a new contract.
In other business, the Commissioners approved a request from the Health Department to apply for a 100% reimbursable grant of $87,000 to fund an immunization clinic. The Commissioners also approved the trade-in of the County Assessor’s office’s 20-year-old field vehicle and the purchase of a used Jeep to replace it.
The commissioners also heard a report from County Highway Superintendent Chris Winkler. Winkler reported that the county had received an 80/20 safety grant to fund the construction of a roundabout on Old US 50’s intersection with CR 150 W. Winkler also said the county is applying for a 90/10 state or federal grant to fund the rehabilitation of the old U.S. 50 west of Washington. Winkler said the Highway Department continues to look for grant funds to help with the upgrade of the bidge on the old U.S. 50. Winkler also received approval for prices for dust control this year. The Commissioners approved Winkler’s request to set the cost for basic dust control work at $5.78 per linear foot. The cost of chip and seal dust control was set at $12.54 per linear foot. The commissioners and Winkler noted that this is the last year the county will provide dust control. In the future, dust control will be done by private contractors.
The next commissioners meeting will be held at 8:15 a.m. on April 23.