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County Commissioners met Tuesday

            The Daviess County Commissioners heard from   Mike Schapker, the owner’s representative on the courthouse Annex Project on Tuesday.  He told Commissioners Michael Taylor and Tom McCracken that all the stone-ply covering on hand has been installed on the Government Center.  The remaining panels should be delivered the first week of December.   Schapker also reported that RQAW had inspected the interior of the building and would be making recommendations.   
     In his report from the Highway Department, Phil Cornelius told the Commissioners that the annual bridge inspection is nearing completion.  Cornelius said the inspection had found no significant issues with any of the County’s bridges.   In other highway related business, the Commissioners accepted Cornelius’s recommendations for the awarding of bids for annual supplies, and they approved and amendment to the INDOT contract for the 900E project.  
    Community Corrections Director Diana Snyder asked the Commissioners to allow the appropriation of $60,000 from a state Addiction Response Grant.  Snyder also reported that Daviess Community Hospital was contributing $10,000 toward the project.  
   In other business, the Commissioners approved a temporary extension of the Sheriff’s Department contracts with AT&T and SBC Global, and they approved a 5 year contract with Call Works for E-9-1-1 services.  
   At the end of the meeting, the Commissioners reminded everyone that the Dec. 10, meeting would be held at the Shiloh Community Center at 6 p.m.   the Shiloh Community Center is located on the northwest corner of The intersection of CR 1000 N and CR 900 E.

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