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Daviess County Commissioners Approve Grants, Review Road Project Bids, and Address County Contracts


At Tuesday’s regularly scheduled meeting, the Daviess County Commissioners approved several grant applications, opened bids for upcoming road projects, and took action on county contracts.

Then the county received three bids for road projects using state Community Crossings Matching Grant funds. County Highway Superintendent Chris Winkler told the Commissioners that all three bids were lower than expected. The bids were taken under advisement for action at the first meeting in February.

Winkler also presented the commissioners with an interlocal agreement with the Town of Odon for the West Street project. The project will widen West Street in Odon from its connection with County Road 900 E to State Road 58, allowing for safer truck traffic. The county has agreed to pay half of Odon’s 20% match for the project.  Winkler also told the commissioners that the Highway Department is conducting a speed study on County Road 650 East. Winkler said that there is increasing buggy traffic in the area and that 650 E is the most accident-prone road in Daviess County.

The Commissioners then heard reports from Bob Grewe, Executive Director of the Daviess County Economic Development Corporation, and Sheriff Gary Allison.

In other business, the commissioners approved requests from West Boggs Park and the Sheriff’s Department to apply for grants. The commissioners also approved several contracts. The first, for shelving in the clerk’s office as part of the courthouse renovation. The second, with BIS for replacement sound and recording equipment for off-site meetings. The third contract was an amendment calling for a $200,000 hike in the County’s EMS ambulance service contract.

The commissioners also approved a committee to update the county’s handbook and agreed to title a car owned by the airport through the county.

The next Commissioners meeting is scheduled for 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday, February 11.

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