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Washington Mayor Provides City Update, Talks Challenges and Events Ahead


In a recent city update, Mayor Dave Rhodes of Washington addressed some issues affecting the community. He discussed the unfortunate UPS closure in the area, a situation that has left many workers impacted. Although no definite timeline for the closure was provided, efforts are underway to relocate employees to other locations. Mayor Rhodes also shared updates on ongoing Highway 50 construction projects, noting progress despite weather delays. Crews are working on installing water lines and pouring concrete. He assured residents that efforts are being made to minimize disruptions, especially in the Restaurant Row area, where one lane will remain open for traffic. Looking ahead, the city council meetings are scheduled for March 10th and 24th, and the Planning Commission will meet on March 12th. Mayor Rhodes also highlighted the upcoming basketball regional and semi-state tournaments bringing visitors to Washington, as well as the excitement building for Little League opening day next month. As always, Mayor Rhodes encouraged community involvement and assured residents that his door is open for any questions or concerns.

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