The Washington City Council on Monday heard a report from Natalie Smith of the Daviess County Economic Development Foundation, on the progress of the Blighted Properties Removal Project. Smith said the Foundation had titles to three of the derelict properties and anticipated acquiring ten more. After deeds are in hand and a state-mandated environmental study is completed, the City can tear down the dilapidated structures. Washington Mayor Joe Wellman tells us more…..
In other actions taken Monday night, the Council approved transfers of funds for the Animal Control and Police Department. The council also approved the appointment of Anita Ash to the Daviess County Economic Development Commission, Tom Tucker and Rick Powers to the City Redevelopment Commission, and Blake Chambers to the City Plan Commission and the Downtown Design Review Committee.
At the end of the meeting the Mayor announced the retirement of Terry Wininger as the City’s Building Commissioner. The Mayor and the members of the Council praised Wininger for his service to the City. The Mayor announced Wininger would be succeeded by City Code Enforcement Officer Brian Sergesketter.