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Washington School Board leases Allen Field to the Little League

In what’s called a win/win for the Washington baseball program and the Washington Little League, the Washington School Board has agreed to lease Allen Field to the Little League.
Little League President Byron Holtzclaw explained the plan to the board last night.  He said there is a gap in player eligibility to play baseball from sixth grade to freshman year…

Under the agreement, the Little League will be responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and utilities of Allen Field.
Varsity Baseball Coach Steve Reed says Allen field is their practice facility and is used a lot even though the public perception may be otherwise…

The School Board voted unanimously in favor of the agreement.

Also at Thursday night’s meeting………
The Washington School System, like others in the state continues to wait on final ISTEP results.  Assistant School Superintendent and Curriculum Director Kevin Frank says final results are needed  before the school can react to any scores…

Frank says the biggest thing they are anxious to do is to get the data in a finalized mode so that it can be broke down.  After that… it is given to the the teachers so changes can be made to the curriculum as they see fit.  The issue is,  is that by the time the final data is received,    it’ll be just a few short weeks before ISTEP has to be taken again.

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