The 2nd annual Business, Home and Lifestyle Expo is this Saturday at the Washington Conservation Club. It’s co sponsored by the Daviess County Chamber of Commerce and WAMW.
Visitors will be able to see many area businesses showcasing their products and services. There’ll be a wide variety to see and check out at the event from retail outlets to those who provide a service catering to a business, a home or your lifestyle. There’ll be items for sale and lots of giveaways as well.
One lucky visitor will win $500 cash at the event while a vendor will get $500 in free advertising from WAMW radio.
Chamber of Commerce Director Samantha Bobbit says if you want your business to been exposed, this is the place to show off….
In addition, if you’re looking for a job you can stop by and apply at some of the vendors. There will be a local trucking company looking for people to hire Saturday morning.
The Business, Home and Lifestyle Expo is from 9 to 1 Saturday at the Washington Conservation Club. There are some vendor spaces open. If you want to set up contact the Chamber about getting booth space. Call the chamber at 812-254-5262. The public gets in free of charge.