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Vincennes City Council Considering Raising City Sewage & Water Rates

The Vincennes City Council will consider raising the city’s sewage and water rates by just under 50%. The Utilities and Service Board is recommending a rate increase to pay for improvements to the water system. The proposal will go before the Vincennes City Council Monday night. Vincennes Mayor Joe Yochum says the increases are needed.

A federal mandate from the EPA now requires communities to remove all phosphorous from sewage systems. That project is estimated to cost $4 million. Vincennes received no additional funding from the government to execute the mandate. General Manager of the Vincennes Water Utilities Kirk Bouchie says there are also mandatory safety updates needed. Due to the updates needed, a complete rebuild is necessary.

Overall, the average sewage rate would go up by $14.65, and the average water bill would go up by $9.67. The rates haven’t increased since 2002, and Bouchie says they’ve weighed all of their options. If the council approves the proposal, a public hearing on the issue will be held on Monday, April 11th.

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