With the 10-day Celebration and Parade celebrating Washington’s Bicentennial just few weeks away, the third installment of Washington’s Bicentennial Concert Series is set for the WHS Auditorium, Sunday Afternoon.
At 4 o’clock, the big band sounds of Nostalgia will fill the Auditorium. Playing music for the ‘30s and 40s, and some “cool jazz”, Nostalgia features former Daviess County Judge Bob Arthur on the trombone.
But, before the Nostalgia concert area residents will be treated to a special show, when the members of the April Debs and Daviess County Homemakers will present the First Ladies style show in the Auditorium at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Club members will appear dressed in the styles of America’s first ladies, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama.
The First Ladies Style Show is free to the public, but the Nostalgia concert will require a ticket.
Tickets are still on sale for Sunday’s concert for $10 at the Chamber of Commerce office at the old Depot in Washington, or they can be purchased at the door. Discounted season tickets the concert series’ remaining four shows can also be purchased for $45.