It will be legal to drive golf carts that meet city specifications beginning September 1.
An ordinance allowing golf carts on most city streets was passed at Monday night’s city council meeting. However, state law prohibits golf carts from being driven on State Roads 57 and 257, and National Highway (old U.S. 50). Golf carts on city streets must display a city sticker, have required safety equipment, and pass inspection by the Washington Police Department. Anyone driving a golf cart on Washington’s streets must be at least 16 years old and have a valid driver’s license.
It is still illegal to operate ATVs, side-by-sides, and similar vehicles on the city streets. Golf cart permits can be obtained at the Washington Police Department beginning September 1.
In other news from the meeting, the council approved the refinancing of the sewer bonds issued in 2007. According to a representative from H.J. Umbaugh & Associates, the refinancing will save the city between 300 and 400 thousand dollars due to lower interest rates.
Also on second reading, the Council passed ordinances setting salaries for the City’s police officers, firemen, elected officials, and city employees. Council President Alan Brown presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Wellman.
Washington’s Board of Public Works and Safety approved Robyn Myers’s request for a “Handicap Parking Only” sign at her residence at 318 S.E. 7th. The Board also voted to update the City’s Transit, DOT, and non-DOT drug and alcohol testing policies to match language in federal requirements.
Also approved was a change order for the South Washington Water Main project. Water Superintendent Charlie Kane told the Board the change would result in substantial savings for the city. The board tabled consideration of a substantial completion certificate on the project. Board members also approved agreements with Umbaugh & Associates for services on the sewer bond refinancing, and assistance in meeting internal controls requirements mandated by a new state law.
Also approved was a supplement to RQAW’s Corporation Asset Management Plan for additional work in submitting three Community Crossings grant applications to INDOT.