Bob Glaze, a beloved children’s TV show personality known around Indiana as “Cowboy Bob,” has died.
He was 73.
The guitar-strumming cowboy and animal lover was an after-school fixture on Indianapolis’ WTTV Channel 4 throughout the 1970s and 80s.
His wife, Gail Glaze, says he died Friday at the Community Heart and Vascular Hospital in Indianapolis.
Glaze, who started out as a camera operator, became host of the children’s variety show “Chuckwagon Theater,” which later became “Cowboy Bob’s Corral.”
He used the show to engage children in lessons about such things as fire safety and animals.
He was helped by a gang of playful puppets, one of which he dubbed Sourdough the Singing Biscuit, the inspiration for which came from a KFC biscuit dropped on the studio floor.