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Washington man jailed for OVWI causing death

Today’s Daviess County arrest reports show that 21-year-old Jerald Swartzentruber of Washington has been arrested on warrants for multiple counts of drunk driving including operating while intoxicated causing death.  Swartzentruber was the driver of a pickup occupied by five people that ran off of the west side of Daviess County Road 650-east on February 20th just after 3:35-am that morning.  All five were ejected.  19-year-old Madison Wagler died as a result of the crash.  Swartzentruber and the others were injured.. some severely.  The Daviess County Sheriff’s Department website shows Swartzentruber was jailed at 10:36-am yesterday on the warrants with bond set at $25,000.

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