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Candice Freeburn sentenced to 10 years for neglect of a dependent

A 30-year-old Washington woman received a 10 year sentence for neglect of a dependent resulting in serious bodily injury.
The investigation of the case started in July of 2015 when the department of child services was contacted by Daviess Community Hospital after treating a 37 day old child for injuries. The baby was later taken to Riley Children’s Hospital in Indy where more injuries were discovered.
Candice Freeburn was sentenced by Superior Judge Dean Sobecki 10 years.  The Washington Times Herald reports that Sobecki recommended here as a candidate for the DOC’s Purposeful Incarceration program. If she successfully completes the rehabilitation and class work, she could petition the court for a sentence modification in less than two years.
The sentence comes after Freeburn had pleaded to leaving her son in a dangerous situation. She had left the baby with 21-year-old Mathew Palmer-Coy whom she was living with at the time. He haS pleaded guilty to felony charges in connection with the abuse and is due to be sentenced next week.
The Times Herald says that Freeburn showed remorse during her sentencing hearing yesterday.

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