The Washington Community School Board met Thursday and officially named Evan Stoll as Washington’s new boys varsity soccer coach.
The Board also heard about the success of one new and one invigorated program at Washington High School. Students and teachers gave an emotional and enthusiastic report on the success of Washington High Schools sophomore Project Based Learning curriculum. Students Jackie Sarabia and Callie Stoll, along with teachers Jamie Strange, Val Clarke, and Cody Chapman told Board members about the success of the program had in raising the grades and affecting the lives participating students. WHS Assistant Principal Troy Zollars said that Project Based Learning gave students a chance to open up and get involved in their education.
The Board also heard from members of the Washington High School Band’s Winter Drum Line. Drum Line members Noah Meeks, Allison Boyd, and Jay Jones modeled the new Band uniforms and told the Board about how the Drum Line allowed band members to explore a different instruments. Band Director Brandon Hagan told the Board that in their first year of returning to competition the Drum Line just missed qualifying for the state finals by five points.
Board members also recognized Trevon Alford, a fifth grade student at Lena Dunn, who was the local winner of Sudexo’s Future Chef competition. Trevon presented the Board and audience a sample of his winning muffins.
In the business section of the meeting, the Board approved the low bids for repairs to the high school roof and the track at Lena Dunn. In other personnel matters, the Board accepted the resignation of WHS English teacher Robin Thomas.