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City Council passes zoning ordinance and discusses summer paving


The Washington City Council passed an ordinance last night rezoning an acre of ground at the corner of Bedford Road and Parkdale from R-1 to R-2, allowing for the construction of two high-end duplexes on the property.  The vote was 5-2 with Councilmen Chambers and Fleck opposed.

The Council also introduced an ordinance re-establishing the City’s Cumulative Capital Building Fund at 5-cents per $100 of assessed evaluation.  The fund is used to pay for projects like paving streets and replacing sidewalks.  City Clerk-Treasurer said the change would add about $7 to the taxes on a $200,000 home.

In a related matter, the Mayor discussed paving plans for this summer

    The Mayor said that after this summer, all city streets rated 1 through 5 on the State’s 10-point scale will have been repaved over the past five years.


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