It was back in the spring when the city of Washington was selected as a Generation 5 Community for the Hometown Collaboration Initiative, or HCI.
The program is delivered by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs and is described as a unique partnership with Ball State’s Indiana Communities Institute and Purdue’s Center for Regional Development. The designation of becoming a Generation 5 City came as the result of pursuing and obtaining grant funding to help pay for the program’s success.
Washington is now in the process of choosing one of three areas to work on. The public’s input is being sought through a survey to determine which way to go. Angie Mann has been working with the project and she says they need a thousand responses to that survey by this Friday…
Mann added that information gathered from the surveys and at a community forum on January 30th with determine the project pathway the city will take.
To take the survey, go to There is also a link on WAMW Facebook Page
Hear more about this story on today’s Take 5 for Our Community Program available to hear and download at Take 5 1/3/18 Hometown Collaboration Initiative.