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Elementary school changes examined

          What to do with Washington’s elementary schools was again discussed at another community school board work session last night.

          Hal Kovert with Kovert Hawkins Architects in Jeffersonville showed board members six options for the future.

          The Washington Times Herald  says Kovert suggested turning Lena Dunn into a pre-kindergarten to 2nd grade building.  There would be an addition for classrooms, the kitchen and cafeteria.  Another option would raze the current school and replace it with a new building for pre-school to 2nd grade.  Another option was to use Lena Dunn  as a 4th to 6th grade building adding 10 classrooms or not renovating at all.

   For North Elementary, Kovert recommended using the building for 4th to 6th grade . Kovert said the portable classrooms would be removed and a small addition for some science labs would be added…  The Times Herald reported another  option for North showed the current facility with some flexible use space, the corporation’s central office and alternative learning areas. Superintendent Dr. Dan Roach said he envisioned some of that space being used for Twin Rivers vocational programs.

          Griffith would see cosmetic work and could be used as a 3rd and 4th grade building or a pre-k to 4th grade or pre-k to 3rd grade.

          Kovert suggested ridding Veale Elementary of all the portable classrooms and using it as a Kindergarten to 4th grade building.

      No decisions were made and no deadline to pick a plan was set as school officials continue to discuss and study the matter.

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