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Democrats still want the RFRA gone

House and Senate Democrats‘ leaders say they agree with Governor Pence that Indiana does not discriminate.  But, still want a full repeal. (photo from

But Senate Minority Leader Tim Lanane contends merely saying so is no longer good enough. Democrats say only a full repeal of the law can restore Indiana‘s reputation.
House Minority Leader Scott Pelath charges Pence has recognized political peril to his governorship and Republican legislative majorities, but hasn‘t fully grasped the potential damage to the state. He says the governor “has moved from denial to bargaining.” Gay-rights groups, including Freedom Indiana and Lambda Legal, have called for an anti-discrimination statement similar to what Pence and Republican leaders have indicated, but coupled with the addition of sexual orientation to protected classes under Indiana civil rights law.
Pence says that‘s a separate issue, and “not on (his) agenda.” Pelath and Lanane endorse the call to add gays and lesbians to the civil rights law, but they say it should be in addition to repeal of RFRA, not instead of. Lanane says Democrats would “take a look at” the proposal. But he says he has doubts about the religious-freedom bill even if protections for gays and lesbians were ironclad.

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