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Daviess County Ballot

This is the day many have been waiting for.  Especially the candidates.  Voters across the state are going to the polls today to make their choice on who will be on the ballot in November’s General Election.  Today voters will vote on a Republican or Democrat ticket to nominate the candidates for the fall.

            In Daviess County it’s one of the most contested primaries in years with three local Republican races. 

            Both candidates for Sheriff have been campaigning hard. 

            Chief Deputy Gary Alison spoke with WAMW recently…

            Daviess County Sheriff’s Deputy Troy Fuhs has been promoting his vision in an effort to win today’s race…

            Currently no Democrat candidates are on the ballot for today’s Sheriff Primary.  If that stays the same, today’s winner will likely be Sheriff in 2019.


The other two races on today’s ballot are for county council.

            In District 2 the current office holder is not running again so it’s an open seat. Tony Duncheon has worked in the coal industry and in banking and says he’s volunteered on numerous boards and organizations.  He says that gives him the experience to be on the county council…

            Duncheon’s opponent is Kristin Miles.  She says the county council is more than handling money…

            The other county council race is in District 3.  It  has incumbent Mike Myers facing challenger Dan Myers.  When approached about an interview for WAMW’s Focus on the Community recently Dan Myers declined to be on the show.  Incumbant Mike Myers did tell us why he wants to stay in office..


            Polls are open today until 6-pm.  Election coverage starts shortly after here on WAMW.

(for more on the election check out some recent episodes of Focus on the Community)





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