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City creates donation fund and agrees to pay half for a sidewalk study

-The Washington City Council passed an ordinance last night creating a Donation Fund in the City’s budget so the City can receive, and be able to account for gifts given to the City for certain projects.  The need for the new line in the Budget became necessary when Bicentennial Committee donated $10,000 to the City to use to place new and upgraded entry way signage at the main highways leading into Washington.  

       -The Council also passed a resolution approving the sale of Highland Apartments to Shepherd Hill Holdings.  City Attorney Tim Dant said the move was necessary because the City had acted as the sponsor for the tax-free bonds used to finance the construction of the apartment complex.  


        – The Board of Public Works and Safety last night received bids for a new Combination Sewer Cleaning truck.  The City received four bids ranging from $374,500 to $412,500.  The bids were taken under advisement.  


        -The Board also agreed to two inter-local agreements with the County.  Washington agreed to pay for half of the feasibility study for putting sidewalks along SR 57, out to WalMart.  The second agreement regarded the County’s payment for using the City’s Animal Shelter.   The agreement puts into writing what has been a verbal agreement.  The County will pay the City $35,000 this year, but Mayor Wellman says that will need to go up to $40,000 next year.  The Mayor says that half the animals brought to the Animal Shelter originate in the County and the increase reflects that.  


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