Needless to say, area rivers are under Flood Warnings after the weekend rain.
Flooding along the White River is expected to be somewhat considerably lower than the significant to major
flooding seen in September 2003. However flooding along the East Fork White River in central and southern Indiana will be somewhat higher than flood crests in September 2003.
Little flooding is expected along the Wabash River in western and southwestern Indiana.
Rainfall of 2 to nearly 8 inches occurred in central and southern Indiana since Thursday evening. The previously very dry areas of southwest Indiana received the heaviest rainfall. Much of central, east central and the remainder of southern Indiana reported 4 to 8 inches of rain
The White at Edwardsport is rising above the 15 foot flood stage as we speak and is expected to get to 19.3 by Tuesday night and stay above flood stage through Sunday. At Petersburg, the White is above its 16 foot flood stage and will rise to 19.2 by Saturday.
The East Fork White at Shoals is forecast to top out at 13.5 feet by Saturday.
From the official NSW Statement
Read the entire statement for all rivers and locations here
The Flood Warning continues for The White River at Edwardsport. * until Sunday September 16. * At Sun 01:00 PM the stage was 14.0 feet. * Flood stage is 15.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this afternoon and continue to rise to near 19.3 feet by late Tuesday night. It will fall below flood stage by Sunday September 16. * At 18.6 feet...During June 2010 and March 2011 high water...INDOT closed SR 358 between SR 67 at Edwardsport to SR 57 at Plainville. SR 358 floods on the east side of the river between the levees.
Click here for White River at Edwardsport hydrograph
For the East Fork White River Forecast click here
Click here for East Fork White River hydrograph