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Indiana’s US Senators and others react to Kavanaugh confirmation

(NETWORK INDIANA)   Here is how Indiana politicians reacted to the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation:

Republican Senator Todd Young’s statement:

Today, I proudly cast my vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Hoosiers care deeply about the Constitution and want justices who apply the law as written, not impose their own policy preferences. Judge Kavanaugh clerked for Justice Kennedy and was hired to teach at Harvard by Justice Kagan. As a D.C. Circuit Judge for the last 12 years, he has carried out his duties faithfully and consistently. Through his more than 300 opinions, 36 hours of testimony, and thousands of pages of documents, he has shown he is committed to preserving liberty.

“The accusations leveled against Judge Kavanaugh were serious and needed to be investigated. Judge Kavanaugh and his accuser were each afforded the opportunity to tell their stories to the American people. Following that, the FBI investigated the claims as requested. During this scrutiny, and six previous background investigations, none of the accusations were corroborated in any way.

“Hoosiers expect results, and we have more work to do to ensure all Hoosiers can meaningfully participate in this growing economy. I’m hopeful we can now move beyond the heightened rhetoric and political gamesmanship we have seen over the last several weeks and resume working together in a bipartisan way to deliver results for the American people.

Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly:

The nomination process for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is often a challenging one.

That was true when President Trump last year nominated Neil Gorsuch, whom I voted for.

That was also true this year with Judge Kavanaugh when there was so much partisanship and anger in the process.

I believe the process was unfair to everyone and unnecessarily divided the country.

Now that the Senate has confirmed Judge Kavanaugh, I am very hopeful for his success and for him to join the other justices to make decisions based on the Constitution, our laws, and their collective wisdom.

Our country needs that today more than ever.

Vice President Mike Pence:

Today is a historic day for our country as a majority in the U.S. Senate voted to send a new voice to the Supreme Court who will uphold the timeless vision of America’s founders.-Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed.

In nominating Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump kept his word to the American people to appoint judges who will interpret the Constitution as written and uphold the God-given liberties to enshrined there.\

Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer:

Today, Democrat obstruction came to a screeching halt. The resistance efforts of Joe Donnelly and his Democrat pals failed. Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and it’s no thanks to Democrat Joe Donnelly.

Democrat Donnelly had two chances to cast the right vote – and both times he chose to side with his Democrat Party bosses rather than with the Hoosiers who elected him to represent us in the United States Senate. These votes were an unforgivable betrayal of his constituents, and prove yet again that Democrat Donnelly puts politics first, second and third.

Congressman Jim Banks posted this on Twitter:

This is a historic moment in the fight to preserve our constitutional liberties. For first time in my life there will be an originalist majority on SCOTUS that will interpret the law & uphold our constitutional rights as founders intended. Thank you @realDonaldTrump. #Kavanaugh

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