DWD awards $1.5 million in grants to help address regional workforce issues
The Indiana Department of Workforce Development awarded the South Central R8 Workforce Board Inc. a $200,000 performance grant to help address critical workforce issues in the region.
It plans to use the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant to provide work-based learning opportunities, which provide internships, apprenticeships and other work-based learning experiences for both youth and adult populations. The grant also will be used to provide supportive services to ex-offenders through the Hoosier Initiative For Re-Entry program.
“Region 8 is excited to have received this WIOA Performance Grant funding and believe it is a great opportunity for us to continue the strong Work-Based Learning activities developed throughout the region these past few years. Nearly all of the funds received from the WIOA Performance Grant will be used to directly support customer training,” said Rob King, executive director of the board, and Brenda Reetz, board chairwoman, in a joint statement.
The South Central R8 Workforce Board Inc. oversees workforce initiatives in Brown, Daviess, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange and Owen counties.
DWD provided grant opportunities to all 12 Workforce Development Boards throughout the state. Each proposal had to focus on improving the workforce operations of that region in alignment with Gov. Eric Holcomb’s and the DWD’s objectives.
“We wanted to invest this money in local communities to address each of their unique challenges,” DWD Commissioner Fred Payne said. “It’s an important tool in helping more Hoosiers enter the workforce.”
In total, $1.5 million in grant money was distributed across the state by DWD to the region’s workforce development boards through this grant opportunity.