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GOP takes Knox County Clerk’s seat

            There was one courthouse upset in Knox County as nearly 53% of voters turned out in the county’s 32 precincts.       

            Democrat Incumbent County Clerk Terri Allen was defeated by Republican challenger David Shelton. Shelton won with over 52%.

            Knox County Commissioner’s President Kellie Streeter won re-election for the Republicans with over 67%.

            In the County Council  Districts 1 and 2 and 4 the incumbents easily won.  Randy Crismore had nearly 60% and Bob Lechner with nearly 65% and James Beery with almost 62% respectively

            In County Council District 3 the Republican Jay Yochum will take Nicole Like’s seat. She did not run for re-election. Yochum won over Democrat Ray McCormick with 64%.

            The Knox County Sheriff’s position will stay with the Republicans.  Deputy Doug Vantlin won over Democrat Brian Hagen 71 to 29%.

            There was only one school board race in Knox County and that was District D at North Knox where challenger Jared Saucerman unseated incumbent Jame Franklin, 67 to 33%.


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