In his final appearance before the Daviess County Council, out-going Economic Development Director Ron Arnold, proposed an early repayment of the West Gate and GPC economic development bonds. Arnold said the early repayment would save the County around $600,000 without hurting the County’s financial position. The Council unanimously approved Councilman Mike Sprinkle’s motion to repay the bond early. During the discussion on Sprinkle’s motion, Council members questioned why a 10% payment on the bonds authorized by the Council this year had not been acted on by the County Commissioners. Arnold said the 10% down payment would have saved the County $20,000. The County Auditor told the Council that it is now too late for any action on the matter.
The Council also heard a report from County Health Nurse Kathy Sullender. Sullender reported that the Health Department had given 1000 inoculations over 2017, and seen 500 more people. The Council also reapportioned $55,985 the Health Department received as reimbursement for vaccines.
In other business, the Council gave permission to County Treasurer Elaine Wellman and County Auditor Patty Ball to investigate a new payroll and financial software. The two county officials said that current software is outdated and inefficient.