Early voting is underway for the municipal primary elections in Indiana.
Voters who chose to vote absentee in-person have until noon on May 6, the day before the primary election, to cast their ballot. Voters who choose to vote by mail may request an absentee ballot online at www.indianavoters.com or from their county clerk’s office. Request for absentee ballots by mail must be delivered by April 29.
Military families are encouraged to remind those serving overseas to request an absentee ballot in advance of the deadline.
You can vote in person at the Daviess County Clerk’s office Monday through Friday 8 to 4.
All of the contested races in the primary in Washington are on the Republican Ticket. They include the election for Mayor and Council Districts 1,2,3, and 5. Winners of those races will move on to the November election. There are two Republicans and two Democrats running for 2 City Council at Large Races. All four of those will move onto the November election and voters then will choose two of the four.