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Arrests reported on Friday 5/8/15


   Indiana State Police arrested 32-year-old Justin Cole of Loogootee on Thursday.  He was charged with battery with bodily injury. No bond was set.

   Washington Police served a warrant on 36-year-old Keri Pilk of Washington Thursday.  Pilk was wanted for dealing in marijuana and maintaining a common nuisance.  Pilk bonded out of the security center.

 City Police in Washington also served an out of county warrant on Michael Pate of Gentryville.  The 38-eyar-old was also charged locally with false informing.  Bond was set at $2500.

 State police took 28-year-old Audrey Mattingly of Loogootee into custody on Thursday.  She was wanted for two counts of theft.  Bond was set at $2500.

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