The annual FOP Lodge 101’s Appreciation Dinner is tonight. Associate Members need to have their $25 yearly dues paid or pay at the door at the FOP cabin on Glenwood Drive.
Former Washington Police officer, detective and Police Chief Steve Riney says monies raised help the lodge in their many endeavors.
It’s 6:30 tonight.
Tonight is a big annual event tonight at the Daviess County Museum…
The museum’s membership drive event is called “Shared Treasures” featuring guest exhibitors from around Daviess County it starts at 6 PM and it is FREE and open to all. This is the first year you do not have to be a member to attend. In addition to an evening of seeing everything from Coke memorabilia, to quilts to pottery and more you can find out how to join the historical society and volunteer at the museum.
Tonight is the annual Daviess County Right to Life Banquet at the Simon J. Graber building on th Odon/Cannelburg Road at 6:30.
Lou Kavanaugh tells us about the special speaker…
Tickets are $15 and $10 for students. Kavanaugh says the money raised helps the group with the majority going to the pregnancy care center in Washington. If you need tickets call Lou 812 486 3658