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Commissioners meet tonight

           The Daviess County Commissioners meet tonight.  A few times a year the commissioners hold a night meeting giving the opportunity for those not able to be at morning meetings to attend.
        The commissioners will be meeting in the heart of Amish Country at the Shiloh Community Center.
        The Commissioners are expected to take a vote on raising license plate fees for buggies.  The commissioners and Amish Safety Committee met recently and agreed to raise the fees from $60 to $75.   Information on that price increase and a formal vote could take place.
        Also the commissioners may discuss more about the possibility of striping county roads for safety purposes.  A discussion started two weeks ago at a regular meeting and some county department heads were assigned to gather some more information on the issue.
        The Commissioners will meet at 6pm tonight, again at the Shiloh Community Center.

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